Denisia & Cristi – wedding in Madrid

Published: 28/06/2014

Every wedding is special, but during the celebration of Denisia and Cristian at their wedding in Madrid we enjoyed as much as them and even more shooting photos and video in order to capture the great moments.

This wedding in Madrid started at Cristian`s where we could shoot the groom`s prepation for the great event. After that we went to Denisia`s home, where the bride was preparing with the help of the family and close friends, all quite emotioned.

The time gets always too short and after the meeting of the bride and groom we went the orthodox church in Madrid, on Calle Nicaragua, were the young couple came with an elegant old car.

After the ceremony we could celebrate with the rest of the guests at the El Manjar de Talamanca Restaurant, were we prepared this surprise for the couple and the family. It was the Same Day Edit with some of the greatest moments seen during the photo session and at the preparations.

Denisia & Cristi – Boda ortodoxa en Madrid from Foto&Film Wedding Madrid on Vimeo.

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